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Edit Table Data Inline

This page shows you how to add and edit rows on Table through inline editing.


A Table widget connected to a query that holds the data you want to edit and update.

Update single row

To update a single row, follow these steps:

  1. Enable inline editing by checking the Editable checkbox for the desired columns in the Table widget properties panel.

  2. Select Single row from the Update mode property. This enables the Save/Discard column with Save and Discard buttons.

  1. Create a query using the updatedRow reference property to retrieve the updated data from the Table.

Example: If you want to modify the name and phone field in a users database.

name = {{}},
phone = {{}}
WHERE id = {{ }};

You can refer to the datasource for specific instructions on setting up an update query for your selected datasource.

  1. Click on the gear icon ⚙️ next to the Save/Discard column in the property pane.

  2. Set the onSave event to run the update query, and the onSuccess callback to trigger the fetch query that refreshes the table data with the updated information.

Alternatively, you can configure the onSubmit event for each Column to run a query that saves the new data. The onSubmit event is triggered when the user clicks away from the edited cell or presses the Enter key within it.

Update multiple rows

To update multiple rows at once using the inline editing feature, follow these steps:

  1. Enable inline editing by checking the Editable checkbox for the desired columns in the Table widget properties panel.
  1. Select Multiple rows from the Update mode property, and set the Primary Key column for row identification during updates.
  1. Create a query using the updatedRows reference property to retrieve the updated data from the Table.

Example: If you want to modify the name and phone columns in a users database.

UPDATE users
SET name = CASE
{{ => `WHEN id = ${} THEN '${}'`).join('\n')}}
phone = CASE
{{ => `WHEN id = ${} THEN '${}'`).join('\n')}}
WHERE id IN ({{ =>',')}});

You can refer to the datasource for specific instructions on setting up an update query for your selected datasource.

  1. Turn off prepared statements in the query editor for this configuration to facilitate dynamic SQL construction and maintain compatibility with the provided example. For more details, see Prepared Statements.

  2. Drop a Button widget, and set its onClick event to run the update query, and the onSuccess callback to trigger the fetch query that refreshes the table data with the updated information.

Add new rows

To dynamically add new rows to the table, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the Editable property for all the required columns.
  1. Enable the Allow adding a row property in the table's property pane. This displays a button labeled Add new row at the top of the table widget. When a user adds a new row to the table, they see Save row and Discard buttons to save or discard the new row and its data.
  1. Create a new INSERT query, using the newRow reference property to retrieve values from the newly created row:

Example: If you want users to add data for new users, you can use:

(id, phone, name, gender, latitude, longitude, dob, email, image, country)
{{ }},
{{ }},
{{ }},
{{ Table1.newRow.gender }},
{{ Table1.newRow.latitude }},
{{ Table1.newRow.longitude }},
{{ Table1.newRow.dob }},
{{ }},
{{ Table1.newRow.image }},
{{ }}
  1. Set the Table widget's onSave event to run the query, and the onSuccess callback to trigger the fetch query that refreshes the table data with the updated information.